Wednesday, August 9, 2017

3rd Annual In the Wildflowers Field

The 3rd Annual In the Wildflowers Field
Saturday, August 19, 2017
2pm to 4pm
1045 Gallery for the Arts
1045 Elmwood Ave 
Buffalo, NY

Creative endeavors to themes of water conflicts and beauty in loss. 
Pot Luck.
Performances by local poets: Allentown Poets' Workshop, Theresa Wyatt, George Grace, Max Stephan & more. 
Open Mic.
Ukulele from Christopher Malinowski. 
Ray Lorigo plays original classical guitar music. 

Ukulele from Ashanti Dejesus. 

Improv Gimnastika by Green Gymnast C. C. 

Skein of Existence reading by David Landrey & guitar played by Dan Kolb. 

Exhibit of the Collaborative Water Bottle Garden. 

IMG_5281Are you interested in adding to the Water Bottle Garden? Great! Use recycled materials to create themes related to gardens, beauty in loss and water conflicts. I created a water jug and put on newspaper clippings and things that reminded me of my grandparents who passed away. Kim created a garden from newspaper and magazine clippings to decorate her water gallon to display during the show.

Bring your piece with you and remember to bring it home after the show.

Poetry books, arts & cards for sale.

Come downtown to the Western New York Book Arts Center to the Members Exhibit on display until Friday, August 18, 2017. 
Plant a Message: this artwork will be on display at next year's In the Wildflowers Field. 

WNYBAC is at 468 Washington St, Buffalo, NY

More information:

Sunday, July 9, 2017

Come participate August 19, 2017 In the Wildflowers Field

My grandma, Marguerite wrote me a letter to share with my friends about Osteoporosis when she was suffering from it. In French her name means daisy.  In the wildflowers field is a place where there's beauty in loss.
I am making cards in honor of my grandma, writing poems to read and making art for In the Wild Flowers Field.

I would like to invite you to participate!

David Landrey 2015
Saturday, August 19
2 pm to 4 pm
1045 Elmwood Gallery for the Arts
Buffalo, NY 14222

Shayna S. Israel 2015

Write a poem, sing a song, perform an act about beauty in loss.

Create art for the Water Bottle Garden and bring it to grow the garden.
Kim Kurzdorfer and Rachel L. Johnson Water Bottle Art
Bring something you like to share at the Pot Luck.

The deadline is August 2 to sign up for reading by e-mailing me:

In the subject line, please type In the Wild. Also if applicable, please list times available to participate and any related concerns.

Thank you for your interest and support!

Rachel L Johnson